
Closing the Excel workbook

A. To close the Excel workbook: 
•  Select the File option on the Menu bar and click the left button of the mouse. A pull-down menu is displayed immediately. 
•  Select the Close option and click the left mouse button. A message box is displayed immediately, asking you whether you want to save this sheet with three options ‘Yes’,  ‘No’ and ‘Cancel’. Select 'Yes' to save the workbook. You will be asked for a file name. Give a name to the file and click 'Save'. If you donot wish to save the workbook, select  'No' and click the left mouse button. This will close the sheet without saving it. Click 'Cancel' to cancel the operation. 
B. To close the Excel program
•  Move the mouse pointer to the 'Close' button at theright hand corner of the Title bar. 
•  Click the left mouse button. 

The various ways in which you can save the workbookare given below: 
1. Select the 'Save' option from the standard toolbar. Then select the drive and folder and give the file a name. Finally click on the ‘Save’ button. 
2. Use of File option button on Menu Bar
a.  Click on the 'File' option in the Menu Bar 
b.  Select 'Save' from the dropdown menu 
c.  A window will open. Here, select the drive and the  folder, give the file a name and then click on 'Save' button. 
3. Press 'Ctrl' and 'S' keys simultaneously. The 'Save' window will appear. Follow the same procedure as given above.

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