
Formula methods in MS Excel

There are several ways for learning how to add numbers. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. 
To commence,, move the cursor to cell C9 and click on it.  Always move the cursor to the cell where you want the answer to be located. 
We want to add the three numbers in cells C6, C7 and C8. To use this method, type (using the keys on the keyboard) the following in cell C9: = C6 + C7 + C8 
The spreadsheet should look like the image above asyou are typing in this equation. Now press the Enter key. Then, click on cell C9 again. The total of these cells will now appear in C9. 
When you have completed typing your equation, you will see this formula in the area below the menu bar. 
Change the number in cell C6 to 500 (and press Enter). You can see how the total is automatically recalculated. Whenever a number is entered in a cell, the entire spreadsheet will mechanically recalculate. 

You can put in a MINUS (-) for subtraction, ASTERISK (*) for multiplication, and SLASH (/) for division. 
Two important points to remember about Excel formulas
•  Formulas in Excel always begin with the equal sign ( =). 
•  The =EQUAL sign always goes in the cell where you want the answer to appear. 
Use Cell References in Formulas
Even though you can use numbers directly in a formula, it is much better to use the cell references of the numbers you want to subtract. If previously you have used the cell references rather than the actual data, then later, if you need to change the data in either cell, the  results of the formula will update automatically without you having to rewrite the formula. 
Setting Up the Subtraction Formula
As an example, lets create a formula in cell E3 that will subtract the contents of cell 
E1 from cell E2. 
Our formula
=E1 - E2
•  Insert the number 20 in cell E1 
•  Insert the number 10 in cell E2 
Formula Steps
To subtract 10 from 20 and have the answer appear in cell E3: 
•  Type an EQUAL sign in cell E3. 
•  Click on cell E1 with the mouse pointer. 
•  Type a MINUS sign (-)in cell E3. 
•  Click on cell E2 with the mouse pointer. 
•  Press the ENTER key on the keyboard. 
•  The answer 10 should be present in cell E3. 
To expand your formula to include additional operations such as addition, multiplication or more subtractions, simply continue to add the correct mathematical operator followed by the cell reference containing your data. 
With reference to the examples mentioned under Typein method, we will use the same for explaining the Point method. Move to cell  C9 and click on it. We will now add the numbers in a second way. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the current formula. 
First, press the ‘=’ and point the cursor to cell C6 using the mouse, press the left mouse button pointing to cell C6 (you will see a marquee box go around the cell). Now press a '+' and move cursor to C7. Press the left mouse button, and press another '+' before moving the cursor to C8. Again press the left mousebutton (notice that as you click " + and point ", the addition formula is built in cell C9). Now press Enter. The same formula can be built using the arrow movement keys on the keyboard(except that you do not have to click on each cell as the cell is marked when you move the arrows). Notice, as you are entering the cell addresses, when you place another '+' in the formula, the cursor “returns” to cell C9. 
Also notice that as you point to each cell, it is  highlighted by a “marquee box.” This “tells” which cell you have pointed. 
Once again, move the cursor to cell C9. Delete the  formula by pressing the Delete key. Now type the following: =SUM( [This tells Excel that we are going to sum some numbers in a range, which will follow the =SUM(.] 
There are two ways to enter this range
With the arrow keys, move the cursor to cell C6. Asyou do this, you will notice that the cell where the cursor is located appears after the =SUM(. When you get to C6, press the 
‘.’ (Period) key. This is called an anchor and it holds one end of the range in place. You will notice that a C6:C6 appears in the formula area under the button bar. This is a one-cell range. Now move with the arrow keys to cell C8. Seehow cells C6, C7 and C8 get highlighted. This indicates that the range is C6:C8. Excel assumes logically that these are the numbers you want to add. Now press Enter. The numbers stilladd, but now the formula reads =SUM(C6:C8) instead of =C6+C7+C8 as it did before. 
Again move to cell C9. Delete the formula in cell C9 by pressing the Delete key. Type in =SUM( as done earlier). Now using the mouse, point the cursor to Cell C6.Click and hold down the left mouse button and move/drag the cursordown to cell C8. (Cells C6, C7 and C8 should be highlighted.) Now press Enter. 
This =SUM Function is a convenient way to add many  numbers, or a block/range of numbers. By simply anchoring and using page downs or using the mouse, you can highlight many numbers to add quickly. However, since it performs only addition, (sums), you cannot do subtraction, etc. 
Once again point to cell C9.. Press the Delete key to eliminate the formula present in cell C9. 
There are a number of formulas built into Excel such as SUM. These formulas are called Functions. Below the Menu Bar (see the figure above), you will see a “sigma” ∑ with an inverted triangle to its right. Click on the inverted triangle. The drop-down menu will appear on the right. Move the cursor down to More Functions and click on More Functions. 
Two menu screens will appear simultaneously. An “Office Assistant” will appear (see image) and you can ask questions (the little assistant may be a paper clip or just about anything). 
The Insert Function menu screen will also appear (like the one above on the right). The two menu screens work jointly to assist you when you are using functions. Let us work with the Insert Function menu screen. Click on the small inverted triangle to the right of 'Or select a category' (see arrow at left). In the drop-down menu that appears, you can see that there are all kinds of formulas (functions) that come with Excel spreadsheet (e.g.  statistical, mathematical, financial etc.). 
Instead of referring to mathematical, financial, orstatistical tables in a book, you can enter data from your spreadsheet into the formulas and obtain answers. Click on All in the drop-down menu. Then by selecting a function menu out of those displayed on ALL, the below given figure will appear:. Look at all the functions (formulas) before we commence our study on using the addition formula (SUM).These formulas will be available at this location, in case one needs to revisit them in the future. 
Use the elevator bar located to the right of the 'Select a function menu 'screen and move down the list until you see SUM. Click on SUM.
When you click on OK, the Function Arguments menu screen (above) will appear. If you look at the top of the screen in the SUM area,  you will see that Excel XP has “guessed” that you desire to add the numbers above cell C9 –  where you clicked in your spreadsheet.  Notice that it indicates that cells C6:C8 will be added (sum cells C6 through C8 – the colon (:) means “through.” It also indicates the numbers in cells C6, C7 and C8 and gives you the sum (= 700).  But it is a little unclear how Excel did this. To see how this SUM equation works, you will go to Help. To do this, click on Help on this function in the lower left corner of the screen (see left arrow above). 
You will now see a Microsoft Excel Help window (similar to the one above) that will show you how to use this SUM function (or any function). One advantage of these Help windows is that there are examples for each function. We move down the SUM help screen using the elevatorbar on the right of the help screen. The bottom of the screen looks like the image at the top of the next page. Spend a few minutes looking at the SUM Help window and observe all the features. 
The bottom of the SUM Help screen looks like the image above. Notice that it gives you examples from a small spreadsheet that has datain cells A1 through A6. It uses these numbers too in the examples at the bottom of the help screen. When you have reviewed all of the help, you care tosee, click on the X at the upper right corner of Microsoft Excel Help blue bar to close the Microsoft Excel Help window. If you accidentally close the spreadsheet, simply reply 'yes' to Save and then re-open the spreadsheet.  
The Function Arguments menu screen will still be onthe screen. If the Office Assistant is still on the screen, simply point to it and click the right side button on the mouse. A pop-up menu will appear. Click on Hide. This will put the Assistant away until we need it again As you can see, in the area to the right of Number 1, the “Wizard” has “guessed” that you want to add numbers in the range C6 to C8. Now,point to some “plain part,” in the gray area above. Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the above SUM box “away” so that you can see your numbers in C column cells.When you have done this, release the mouse button. Now click on the “small box” at the right edge of the Number 1 area (see arrow above). It has a little red arrow in it. 
The below window will appear. 
Highlight cells C6 to C8 in the spreadsheet (click  on C6, hold down the left mouse button and drag until the three cells are highlighted). A “marquee” will begin to flash around the cells, indicating they are highlighted. The Function Arguments area will appear as shown above. Now click on the small button to the right of the cell (see arrow above). The numbers will show in the area to the right of Number 1. Now, click on OK at the bottom of the Function Arguments menu screen. You will see that the SUM formula [=SUM (C6:C8)] shows in the formula area at the top of the screen. 

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