
Microsoft Excel Notes

1.  Move the mouse pointer over the Start button present on the extreme left of the task bar and then click the left mouse button. A push-upmenu appears.
2.  Place the mouse pointer over the Program option inside the push up menu. A submenu is displayed.
3.  Move the mouse pointer over the Microsoft Excel option and click the left mouse button. A blank workbook is instantly displayed on the screen. Data can be entered in the file 
Book1 and calculations can be made on entered data.
When MS-Excel is loaded, the Excel window will appear on the screen. The Excel window is shown below.

1. Title Bar
Displays the application name, file name and various window controls, such as minimize button, maximize button and close button. 
a.  Minimize button
This is used for altering a window/sheet into a button. The screen is minimized and appears in the form of a button onthe taskbar. 
b.  Maximize button
This is used for magnifying a window/sheet subsequent to its minimization and restoration. 
c.  Close button
This is used to close a window/sheet. 
2.  Menu Bar
Different options for selection 
Use this option to create a new file, open an existing file and save a file. Other options are printing, print preview, setting up of  print area, closing the worksheet, exiting Excel etc. 
This helps in copying, cutting and deleting a range of text, pasting text that is copied or cut from another location, clearing the contents of cells, finding the particular text in the worksheet, etc.  
This helps in enabling and disabling certain toolsin the Excel worksheet 
This can be used to insert cells, rows and columnsin the work sheet. 
This helps in formatting the row/ column to increase/decrease height, width etc. 
This helps the spell check and protection of worksheets/ workbooks by setting a password for accessing it and customising it according to one’s specification etc. 
This is used to sort (ascending/descending), filter the list, to obtain the subtotal etc. 
This is used to hide/unhide the workbook, to create a new window, to split  the pane etc. 

Help:This can be used to get any help about Excel. 
Standard tool bar
Displayed by default, allows giving common commands like saving the file, opening a file, printing etc. 
This is used to create a new workbook. 
This is used to open an existing file. 
This is used to save the file. 
This is used to take a printout of the file. 
This is used to preview the document before the actual printing. 
Spell check
This is used to check the spelling and grammatical errors in the file. 
This is used to move a selected block from one location to another. 
This is used to copy a selected block from one location to another. 
This is used to place the selected block during the copy or cut operation at a certain location. 
This is used to retain any modifications made to a file. 
This is used to reverse the last undo action performed on the file. 
Auto Sum Button
This is used to add the numbers on a particular range. 
Paste function Button
This is used to perform different operations on a  selected set of numbers, such as calculating the average or findingthe minimum or maximum of set of numbers etc. 
Sort Ascending
This is used to arrange a set of numbers in ascending (increasing) order. 
Sort Descending
This is used to arrange a set of numbers in descending (decreasing) order. 
Chart Wizard Button
This is used in creating chart graphs for a set ofnumbers. 
This is used to add the drawing tool bar just above the status bar of the window. 
This is used to change the size of the work sheetor to display the selected 
block in greater size. 
4. Formatting toolbar
Allows the user to give commands related to formatting cells and cell contents such as Bold, Underline, Font Style, Font Size, Colour etc. 
This helps in changing the style of the text typed in the work sheets. One can select a required font from the available font list and change the style of the text inside the selected block. 
Font Size
This helps in changing the size of the text. One  can select a required size for the font from the available list and change thesize of the text inside the selected block. 
This helps in making the selected look bolder/ darker than the other text 
This helps to make the text in the selected blocklook tilted or slanted. 
This helps in underlining the selected text. 
Align Left
This helps in left justifying the contents of cell in the selected block. 
This helps in centre justifying the contents of the cell inside the selected block. 
Align Right
This helps in right justifying the contents of the cell inside the selected block. 
Name box
Displays the address of the current cell. 
6. Formula Bar
Displays the cell content. 
The above figure shows the address of the active cell and the contents of active cell. In the above example C1 is the address of the cell and ‘sales’ is content of that cell. 
7. Current Cell
Current cell is the active cell 
8. Row Headers
There are 65636 rows (lines) numbered as 1, 2, 3 … 65536. The number of the first row is 1 and that of the last row is 65636. To go to a cell in last row, press End and Down arrow keys and to return to a cell in the first row, press End and up arrow key. 
9. Column Headers
There are 256 columns numbered as A, B, C, Z, AA,and AB… AZ, BA, BB, IV. The first column is designated as ‘A’ and the last column as‘IV’. To go to a cell in last column header, press End and Right arrow keys.To return to the cell in the first column, press End and Left Arrow keys. 
10. Scroll Bar
Used to scroll through different parts of the current sheet. 
11. Sheet Tabs
Display the sheet names. Each worksheet is named  as Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. 12. Status Bar
Displays various modes such as Ready or Edit modeon the left side. The status of Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock keys on the keyboard is on the right side. 
The status bar is located at the bottom of the Microsoft Excel Window. It displays 
Ready or Edit on the left hand side and NUM on the right hand side. 
This indicates that the workbook is ready to accept data from the user. 
This indicates the workbook is in edit mode i.e. the contents of the cell are being modified or a new content is being placed in the cell. 
This is located on the right hand side of the status bar and represents the status of Num Lock indicator on the keyboard. If Num Lock is enabled on the keyboard, NUM appears and if Num Lock is disabled, NUM disappearsfrom the Status Bar. 
The intersection of a column and a row is known as  a cell. Each cell has a name or a cell address. The cell address consists of the column letter and row number. For example,  the first cell is in the first column and first row. First column name is A and first row number is 1. Therefore, the first cell address is A1. Similarly, the address of last cell is IV65536 i.e. 
column IV and row number is 65536. 
The total cells in a worksheet are 256*65536. 
Now we will type some more. Go to cell 
C3 SEPT (Type-in SEPT and press the Enter key) 
Notice again, how SEPT is automatically aligned to  the left. Logically, since you are using Excel in the English version, the text is left-aligned. We would also like to centre SEPT in cell C3. Click on cell C3 to “mark” the cell. One way to do centre SEPT is to simply click on  the Centre button in the button bar at the top of the screen. Make sure that you are on cell  C3 when you click (see image above right). 
Here is another way to centre the word. Right Clickon cell C3. Then click on Format 
When the Format Cells Menu appears, first click on  the Alignment Tab, then on Horizontal/Centre/Vertical/Centre and finally clickOK. Try it. Now type the text below in the cells indicated. 
G3 MONTHLY TOTALS (press the Enter key and then correct the width of this column) Next, we will highlight cells D3 through G3. To do  this, point to D3 and click the left  button on the mouse. Then, holding this button, drag the mouse to the right through G3. 
When the cells are highlighted, take your finger off the left mouse button. Now point to the group of cells and click the right mouse button to  bring up the Format Cells menu. Click on 
Alignment and select Centre (vertical & horizontal). Finally, point to OK and click the left mouse button. All of the cells will then be centered. 
You could also click the Centre button as done previously 
MONTHLY TOTALS will not fit into its space when youdo this. Thus, move the cursor over the line between cells G and H and drag the line to the right to widen the G cell just as you did a few minutes ago. 

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